!) Display current mouse position in the scene on the bottom left, changing whenever the mouse moves
2) On left or right click - Spawn Primitive object on current mouse position
3) Slider controls - Change RGB values with the corresponding slider on the center left of the screen. Changes apply to all current shapes selected. Default: 0 R, G, and B
4) Shape Dropdown Menu- Choose between 3 primitive objects to spawn, Default: Cube
5) Randomize Color Button - On Click, Randomize Slider Values and Apply Said Color
6) Time Manipulation - Slider on Top Right Controls Time of Scene
7) Delete Toggle - Checkbox That Toggles on/off Delete Timer, Set Delete Timer Through Delete Slider
8) Scale Dropdown - 4 Preset Scale Options for Shapes: Small, Medium, Large, and Random
9) Hide/Show Menu - 'ESC' Now Hides or Displays The Menu On Press
10) Destroy All Button - Destroy All Plays an Animation to Hide The Screen and Delete All Objects Before Pulling The Curtain Up
11) Shape Movement - 'WASD' Now Moves The Shapes on Screen in Their Respective Directions
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